I lost 40lbs in 8 months on a keto diet.

I’ve maintained it for over 5 years by creating a nourishing + healing keto lifestyle that includes carbs, and I’m here to show you how to do it too.

I love when people that have been through hell walk out of the flames carrying buckets of water for those still consumed by the fire.”

- Stephanie Sparkles

My weight climbed to 200lbs - the heaviest I’d ever been.

I wish I had a more eloquent reason for starting keto, but the truth is? I was sick of my own bullshit. Blaming my weight on the circumstances of my life like it was happening TO ME… not something I had created for myself.

Feeling like I was stuck in every area of my life… paralyzed by my circumstances, and turning to food and alcohol to numb myself from all of it. 

The secret eating, overeating, binges… boozy benders for weeks on end, followed by doing box cleanses to try and “fix it”. Spiraling out of control, and gripping onto everything I could just to escape.

It felt easier to stay distracted and avoid what was really happening, rather than face everything head on. To use the scapegoat of “feeling stuck” in my circumstances because they were more comfortable and familiar - even though it was a total shitshow.

I’ve been there, I get it.

I know how hard it is, and how frustrating it can be when you feel like you’ve tried everything to lose weight and be healthier, without ever finding your thing that actually works for you. 

I know what it’s like to feel uncomfortable in your own skin, the massive amount of shame for “letting yourself go”, and the exhaustion of thinking about your body + food ALL of the time.

I know all about the never ending all-or-nothing cycles, avoiding full length mirrors at all cost, and the countless tears shed while standing over a pile of clothes that don’t fit you anymore.

I was unmotivated, unfulfilled, and wanted to stay numb…

Want to hear more about my personal story?


Clients see how I’ve rebelled against the strict “keto rules” to create a sustainable, nourishing + healing keto lifestyle… and it resonates with them too.

I built my lasting keto lifestyle on a strong foundation of self trust. I stopped worrying about doing keto “perfectly”, and started creating a lifestyle that felt best for me… because it was true to me. I surrendered the war I’d long been waging against myself + my body, and finally released my grip on “quick fixes” and self judgment. I stopped breaking promises to myself, and found peace in the process.

By taking a self-healing approach - I learned how to face my circumstances with courage… instead of numbing with food to escape my experiences. I discovered the power of self compassion by turning towards my big turbulent thoughts + emotions, and practiced BEing with myself in a new way… instead of being overcome by them, and using food to cope.

Sure, I have the credentials as a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, a Certified Life Coach with an Honors Degree in Psychology to guide you on this journey…

But, I’ve also personally lived through it myself.


keto healing coaching


keto meal planning


the keto success kit

I’m a rescue pet mom, forever fiance, keto healing coach, podcaster, double soloprenuer, and SUCH a pisces.

I’m also a Manifestor (HD), highly intuitive introvert, a human jukebox always singing along, a lifelong collector of beach glass + quotes, forever daydreamer of food, constantly wearing rock band T-shirts, and savoring endless cups of green tea.

Did we just become best keto pals?