helping you succeed on keto through self-healing so you can create a lifestyle that feels true to you.

ready to honor + embrace who you’re meant to be in this life?

There’s something inside of you that knows you’re meant for more, but you can’t quite figure out why you keep holding yourself back.

Perhaps you’ve tried keto in the past, and experienced some success. You shed some pounds, noticed shifts in your body + wellbeing, and know deep down… that keto truly makes you feel your best.

Then life happened. Circumstances happened that pulled you off this path. You know what you “should be” doing - but feel frustrated because you’re just not doing it. You can’t seem to do keto like you did the first time, and know there has to be another way to make this lifestyle last.

Helping others succeed on keto through self-healing + nourishment is my jam.

If you’re at the point on your keto journey where you’re tired of the all-or-nothing cycles, and gripping onto strict rules just to get results that never seem to last…

If you’re ready to rebel against keto perfection, staying consistent for only a week or two without a slip, or moving from one bland monotonous moment to the next just waiting for this to be over… I can help.

I can help you build a strong foundation of self trust so you can feel confident in your choices, and yourself.

I can help you unravel (and release) all that’s held you back from living life the way you’re meant to live it.

I can help guide you through emotional regulation + healing practices to tune into your feelings instead of numbing or avoiding them with food when life feels stressful or overwhelming.

I can help you enjoy more food freedom without worrying it will spiral out of control.

I can help you while holding a safe space for you to take your time and feel at peace within this process.

what they’re saying…

  • "It's hard to do this alone. Stephanie's support is amazing and it truly feels like we're on this journey together."

    - Matt

  • "This entire journey has been so freeing. I have a sense of peace that I'm not sure was possible for me around food."

    - Finn

  • "She's magical and here's proof: the app on my watch gave me the best measurement for restorative progress in an entire month... And it happened during one of our coaching sessions!"

    - Danielle

  • "Stephanie is patient, caring, and understanding of setbacks. She's always there for me not just as a coach, but a great friend."

    - Jennifer

  • "She shows you how to move forward and stay accountable with self trust, without all the stress + guilt, AND you get results!"

    - Linda

The way this works is simple…

Coaching with me is completely personalized to your needs.

I meet you where you’re at, and together we move forward from there.

Once we link arms, I will guide you to a deeper understanding of how you really want to live your life, and help you to release anything that’s holding you back from that.

Every session you will join me on a live call, where I will hold space for us to explore what’s coming up for you - any obstacles or friction points that are holding you back… and give you real-time feedback on how to navigate these challenges to keep you moving forward.

In between sessions you will have access to my private voice + text messaging service so you never have to worry or wait for our next session to share what you’re experiencing or receive support + guidance.

You no longer have do this alone - we’re in this together.

The magic happens when you allow yourself to receive support

To feel fully seen + heard throughout our time together… while receiving clarity + support from me.

To turn hurt into healing as we collaborate in creating a sustainable keto lifestyle that feels best for you… because it’s true to you.

To build a happy, healthy + healing keto lifestyle that you’re actually excited about + love… so your transformation will last.


  • There are many factors that can influence whether or not someone is successful on a keto diet. We will first go over why it didn’t work for you, and set you up with a personalized plan for your success. We will make keto simple + easy to follow FOR YOU. We’ll uncover your triggers + patterns, and uproot (and release) what’s really holding you back while holding a safe space for you to take your time and feel at peace within the process.

  • Nope! It’s your life and we need to develop a plan that works specifically for you. I can teach you how to incorporate carbs into a keto lifestyle, and build a strong foundation of self trust so you feel confident in your choices, and yourself. This will help you to continue moving forward towards your goals, without ruining all of your progress, and create a keto lifestyle that lasts.

  • I have coached many clients who decide along our way that doing keto doesn’t feel best for them. Our goal is to create a healing + healthy lifestyle that feels do-able and easeful for you. We may shift to a low-carb or paleo approach. Or we may simply focus solely on healing your relationship with food + yourself without following any specific nutrition protocol. We will continuously collaborate together to reiterate your plan so it feels best for you and what you feel available for.

  • No need to fret pal… typical “sales calls” give me the ick, too! This call is simply a place for us to connect and chat more about your deeper desires, and what’s held you back from achieving them so far. It’s a safe space for us to be open + vulnerable, go over the finer details, ask any questions you may have, and make sure we’re a good fit. No pushy sales tactics included (again, ew).

  • We can simply continue on our journey together on a month-by-month basis at a discounted rate. Or you can book a one-off Refresh Session at any time. Whatever feels right for you!

  • The initial month of weekly sessions for the Keto Realigned program is $444 USD/ month. After the initial month if you’d like to continue working together we’ll connect on bi-weeky calls at $333 USD/ month. Or you can book a one-off Refresh Session at any point on your journey for $111 USD / session.

  • For the initial month of the Keto Realigned program you can either Pay In Full ($444 USD) or choose the Split-Payment option ($222 USD x2) if that feels more accessible for you.

  • Due to the nature of our work together, refunds will not be available. It takes a lot of energy and commitment on both ends to create a private coaching program specifically suited to your needs. Plus it’s all about having the right attitude and mindset! If you go into the program already feeling suspicious that it won’t even work, and planning on a refund the minute it gets hard, chances are that’s exactly what will happen - and you will be doing yourself a serious disservice. If you go into the program feeling open to learn new ways of healing to feel healthier, happier, and in the body you want - then that’s what will happen! Once you have paid, no refunds will be offered.

  • After payment is made, you will be directed to your next steps that include the link to my calendar to book your sessions.


Are you ready to experience not only how your physical body will change, but your mental + emotional experiences too?

If you want to lose weight on keto, and feel more confident in your skin

If you want to heal your body - decrease inflammation, stabilize your blood sugar, and enjoy more energy + mental clarity without having to obsess over every single thing you eat

If you’d really like some support to dig into the deeper stuff you know you really need...

It might make sense for us to link arms, and do this journey together?