Are you ready to release the keto diet you did before… and realign to create a keto lifestyle that works for you now?

Are you tired of constantly restarting your keto journey…

Only to repeat the process over and over again without ever getting into a good groove?

Maybe you’ve experienced success on keto in the past.

Maybe it felt like it really “worked” for you before, and you felt your best while you were “on it”…and now you’re desperately trying to get back to that place?

Applying the same keto rules + strategies that once served you, but now, for some reason, they aren’t working as well… or you’ve been struggling to stick with them.

And after the first couple slip ups…

You give up. You give in.

You allow yourself to indulge in all of the carbs and sugar until you feel so unhappy with yourself, unwell in your body, and uncomfortable in your skin that the only option is to start all over again.

What would it feel like… to stop using shame and judgment as motivation to keep forcing yourself back into the same frustrating approach

What if we could realign your process to create a new kind of keto lifestyle that simply makes sense for you now.


keto realigned

releasing the keto diet you did before + realigning it to create a keto lifestyle for you now

The first few weeks of any keto process are often the most challenging AND the most crucial.

Normally, during these first few weeks, you are more likely to experience struggles like

  • Staying consistent long enough to remember how good keto makes you feel

  • Old eating patterns repeating themselves leaving you feeling stuck

  • Building any real momentum to help motivate you to keep going

  • Feeling restricted or bummed out about giving up all of your favorite foods

  • Strong urges to give into carb or sugar cravings

  • Giving up after a minor slip-up and allowing it to spiral out of control for days or weeks or months

  • Using up precious energy + bandwidth to follow the keto rules perfectly

  • Feeling frustrated you’re not getting results as quickly as you did the first time

  • Putting off doing keto at all until after ‘this event’ or ‘that holiday’

  • Prioritizing your health + wellbeing when your To-Do list is never-ending

  • Feeling like you’re disappointing others around you because of your “diet”

  • Trusting yourself around all types of food

  • Trying to make everything-all-at-once changes leaving you feeling totally overwhelmed

  • Believing that life is “too busy” to make any real effort on keto

Do any of these ^ feel familiar?

Chances are if you’ve ever restarted keto before, you may have experienced some (or all) of these challenges on your journey.

Which is why I designed a shortened journey specifically to hold you in this pocket.

Keto Realigned is about holding you through the most vulnerable stages of the keto process…

while also building in the space and opportunity needed for you to begin to trust yourself to stand on your own two feet in your life again.

In my own life, and in the experiences I've held my clients through…

There are 4 key areas that, with intentional focus + support, free us to move forward from a place of feeling stuck into a new season of progress that feels as good as the first time you tried it.

the keto realigned approach:

Highly Focused + Contained

Keto Realigned is highly focused and contained by targeting 1-2 main pieces or obstacles to maximize your progress.

We acknowledge the other pieces that may influence your journey, but prioritize addressing your biggest challenge first.

Our sessions will give you what you need so you feel clear around what the biggest block or pattern is that’s hindering your progress.

Usually our smaller hiccups are symptoms of our bigger blocks stalling us out.

By identifying these first and working undistracted around them, the other pieces often have a way of just falling into place.

Building Self-Trust + Compassion

Compassion for ourselves is hard.

And trusting ourselves is even harder.

Instead of using judgment for motivation, and others for accountability…

This softer, more nurturing approach allows you to free up the energy usually wasted spiraling into shame, frustration, or defeat

And channels that energy towards amplifying your confidence and capability.

Together, we'll invite more compassion into this process as a key component to build trust in yourself and agency over your choices.

Honoring Inner Strengths + Resources

We don't strip away everything you know. 

Instead, we recognize and utilize the strengths and resources within you. 

You already know more than you’re giving yourself credit for.

You’ve lived through a lot in your life, and gathered skills and inner resources along the way.

Why would we start over, when you’re already equipped?

This is about pulling forward those inner resources, and showing you how to use them in this season of your life…

Filling in any gaps we discover… and bolstering your confidence to actually do this with specific guidance based only on what you need.

This means no overwhelm because we’re creating this lifestyle in a way that feels true to you by pulling from all of the lessons + insights you’ve experienced throughout many seasons of your life… and applying them to this journey now

Together, we’ll harness the power of these inner resources you’ve (perhaps unknowingly) already created, and leverage these strengths that are unique to you.

Post-Program Integration

After the 4 weeks, you'll have space to practice everything we’ve discussed on your own. 

This is your opportunity to integrate and assess the tools and strategies you’ve received during the program.

Then after 2-3 weeks, we’ll reconvene for a check-in call to see how things have been going and feeling for you.

Where are you at now after applying everything on your own…

Are you feeling good with the biggest piece we chose to pick up and work on?

Or do you want more support or refinement around that.

Did some of those other pieces fall into place and now you’re good to go?

Or do you want to work through an additional piece that you feel could really make an impact on your journey.

This allows you to customize your experience and receive the level of support that feels right for you.

Sometimes… 4 weeks is all you need to just run with it.

Sometimes… the obstacle that you’re working through requires a little bit more time.

We can’t assume or know for sure what you’ll need from the start.

Which is why this program is designed to layer in support as you actually need it.

So we’re continuously meeting you where you’re at…

And truly building self trust and agency for you to decide what your needs are, and the kind of support you want.

Additional support to continue working together will be available for you on a month-by-month basis, at a discounted rate.

Or you can navigate on your own for a while and book a one-off Refresh Session at any point.

why this program may work best for you

Chances are when you see a “4 week program” some thoughts or assumptions pop into your mind.

Things like…

… real change can’t happen that fast

… this is just another quick fix thing

… how much weight can I really lose in a month

… this may be too intense and a little overwhelming

But here’s why a program like this - designed specifically for the season that you’re in - may actually be the best thing for you:

This is about building a new foundation for you to move from…

It's not about outsourcing your self-trust and accountability to someone else long term. 

In my experience, very few people actually need that type of support. 

What you really need is…

… a space to re-learn what it feels like to make a mistake without falling into judgment + shame

… a willingness to embrace flexibility and release old expectations

… to notice where you feel yourself pushing back to making changes and invite in more compassion

… while developing the ability to realign yourself as needed.

These skills are what will allow you to move forward in a way that feels simple and sustainable for you.

This is about developing self trust to take your agency back…

Self trust is a super power. 

It’s knowing that you are capable… that you can rely on yourself to make good decisions that create joy and meaning in your life.

It’s that inner place where you feel calm and in control, yet flexible. 

Responsive rather than reactive.

Self trust arms you with a greater sense of awareness and appreciation for your own needs.

It stops you from living by a specific set of rules, and gives you permission to set out a new roadmap for a journey that feels right for you.

It alerts you when you’re off track, and gently nudges you towards a course correction.

This program is focused on strengthening self trust by turning inward…

… to connect with what you believe, what you sense, and what you feel.

… to feel confident that you know yourself, and your body best.

… to genuinely care about your own wellbeing in a way that feels nourishing

… to allow imperfections, and accept them as part of the human experience.

By cultivating self trust and nurturing it around your biggest piece first… will allow you to come back to yourself, check in with yourself - and be able to choose what feels best for you.

This is about showing you how much you actually know…

Everything you’ve been through has left impressions on you - lessons, wisdom and skills that are meant to be used, not tossed out and forgotten about.

You’re not starting over. You’re not starting from square one.

You actually have a lot of information we can work with from your lived experiences.

And by acknowledging all of the pieces that you already know, we’re able to streamline this process.

The pieces that we don’t have to create because they already exist within you.

We’re able to bring forward and utilize these inner strengths, resources, and experiences onto this new path forward…

… a path that will feel true to you and sustainable for you because it will be built from the fibers of you.

This is about determining the amount of support YOU desire…

The beauty of a 4 week program is that you aren’t entering into a long term commitment. 

Because you don’t actually know how much support you may need!

All of my coaching clients begin with this 4 week program.

We focus on your biggest challenge first, and see how that shifts things for you.

We acknowledge all of the other pieces that may be coming up for you and impacting your keto journey… 

There may be many things that are influencing your experience with your body, your food, your circumstances, your relationships…

But we are choosing not to pick up all of them for this month.

It’s possible by resolving the biggest block that you’re facing first?

May actually help alleviate some of the discomfort in those other areas too.

And if that’s not the case? 

We can simply extend our time together for another month at a discounted rate. 

Or you can book a one-off Refresh Session with me anytime you need some extra support.

the details:

  • 4 Weekly Coaching Sessions: private live sessions over Zoom that acknowledge your progress, explore what you’re experiencing or struggling with, and receive support + guidance so you’re never feeling stuck on what to do next.

  • 1 Follow-Up Session: once our 4 weeks are complete we will step away for 2-3 weeks for you to implement and practice everything on your own then come together on a check-in call to discuss how it’s been going and feeling for you.

  • Tangible elements will be woven in as they make sense for you and the piece we've chosen to pick up and work with. Gone are the days of random worksheets and superficial tasks that you simply check the box on. Everything we include will continue to serve you in your life for years to come.

  • Private Voxer voice/text message access to me for real-time support, feedback, and to answer any questions between our sessions. Responses guaranteed within 12-24 hours.

  • A space to learn how to reflect and realign weekly to build self accountability by acknowledging what’s been working or not working, how you’re feeling, any obstacles you may have faced, and how I can best support you that week.

  • Recorded sessions via Zoom so you can watch them back in your own time, and not worry about forgetting a thing.

  • Opportunity to continue working together on a month-by-month basis at a discounted rate ($333 USD), or book a one-off Refresh Session ($111 USD) any time you want some extra support.

  • Your Investment: $444 USD pay in full for one month or $111 USD weekly payments for one month

I know that it might feel like you need to scrap everything you know and start over.

Maybe you’ve felt like the reason keto didn’t work for you before is because you didn’t have enough willpower or discipline to be consistent with it.

But I see something so much bigger for you.

I want us to pull all of the pieces of who you are into this journey… and not use shame and judgment to motivate you into moving.

Maybe you’ve been trying to get “back on track” with keto for a while now…

But what does that even mean exactly?!

We’re not getting back to anything.

Because there’s nowhere behind you? That you need to get back to.

Everything that you’ve experienced and been through up until this point was for you in some way. 

You’re not a fragmented person.

You’re not broken. You’re not starting over. And you don’t need a “keto reset”.

This journey isn’t about getting you back on track...

It’s about realigning all of the pieces of you back together.

Let’s move forward together, and make this your best keto experience yet.